Find out about the range of marine data products, Web Services and software products available from BODC.
BODC data products
BODC has an international reputation for managing data for large-scale scientific projects covering many disciplines and a wide range of data types. We have been responsible for collating and checking the data and making them available to a wider audience. Usually at the end of a project, a CDROM is produced. Find out more about the range of CDROMs available from our BODC data products pages.
We have developed digital atlas products
- The GEBCO Digital Atlas, published on behalf of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The atlas contains a global set of digital bathymetric contours and GEBCO's global gridded bathymetric data sets.
- The UK Digital Marine Atlas (UKDMAP) is a reference source for information on the coasts and seas around the UK.
BODC software products
BODC has developed a number of software products for displaying, analysing and accessing data. We also hold copies of software products which we distribute on behalf of others. Find out more from our BODC software products pages.
BODC Web Services
Our Web Services open a window to the information and data holdings at BODC. Web Services distribute information across the internet in such a way that users can control exactly how and when the information is processed. This flexibility is made possible by the provision of computational methods that can be incorporated into software systems and implemented however the end user wants to implement them. Find out more from our BODC Web Services pages.
Collaborative data
BODC has provided data management support for a number of large international scientific research projects such as the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). We have contributed data sets for inclusion in CDROM products produced by these projects. Find out more from our collaborative data products pages.
External data products
As part of our role as a national facility for looking after and supplying data we distribute marine data products on behalf of other organisations. Find out more from our external data products pages.