Present: Ric Williams, Rhiannon Mather (Liv), Kay Thorne (BODC), Ute Schuster, Andy Watson (UEA), Elaine McDonagh, Brian King, Richard Sanders, Harry Bryden, Stuart Cunningham (NOCS).
Apologies: Tim Jickells, Pete Brown, Marie-Jo Messias, Sinhue Torres, Sarah Reynolds, Carol Robinson.
Concern about lack of bottle data being returned to BODC. Timetable discussed of likely return. Key investigators identified for each variable and Kay will approach them directly.
Transport of Gulf Stream through Southern Section is consistent with Halkin and Rossby estimate when downstream strengthening is taken into account.
Nutrient fluxes are so far only for inorganic components and need to include organic versions.
Atmospheric inputs of N and P have been provided by Tim Lesworth & Tim Jickells, which will aid interpretation of the residual changes in N and P from the inverse model. Range in estimates provided, as well as the mean, which aids the inversion.
Aim to combine the data into an inverse solution for late December 2007.
Comparison of 1959, 1981 and 2005 sections reveal reversing water-mass changes: cooling of upper waters from 1959 to 1981, warming from 1981 to 2005. These changes diagnosed to be controlled by the vertical displacement of isopycnals. The changes are consistent with the change in wind forcing over the two periods: weaker pumping from 1959 to 1981, increased pumping from 1981 to 2005. Paper appeared in GRL, 2007.
Distributions of DON & DOP obtained for the whole domain by combining AMT, 26N and 36N sections. Modeling of N & P pathways reveals recycling of DOP to be particularly important over the eastern North Atlantic, accounting for most of the P export. Measurements of enzyme activity reveal enhanced utilization of the DOP pool in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre.
Diagnostics of implied uptake over whole water column between 1992 and 1998, but uptake restricted to upper 800m for 1998 to 2004. Study reveals limitations in the anthropogenic carbon method.
SF6 and CFC-11 uptake compared with Green function model from Haine, Hall and Waugh. CFC-11 age seems to be high in the surface waters.
Proposed to be at NOCS on 19-20 December 2007 (date will be reviewed).