02 August 2008
- RRS James Clark Ross is currently out of communication range NE of Svalbard. Data transmission should be restored in a few days.
11 June 2008
- The RRS James Cook is currently in the Azores and sampling will resume soon.
04 June 2008
- The next POL's Coastal Observatory cruise on RV Prince Madog is scheduled for 26-28 June. View the full cruise plan.
- RRS James Cook is not stuck! She is engaged in drilling on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- RRS James Clark Ross has completed her 2007/08 Southern Ocean season and is currently in refit in Portsmouth. She is scheduled to
undertake two Arctic cruises between July and September.
- RRS Discovery is scheduled to return to service on 3 July for cruise D331.
- From 14th May RV Plymouth Quest has resumed weekly sampling of pCO2 in the Western Channel Observatory.
- View the 2008 NERC ships' cruise programme.
25 April 2008
- RRS Discovery has been brought back into dock to repair a critical problem with the main propulsion system. D328 cruise is cancelled.
23 April 2008
- The refit of RRS Discovery has finished and it is now back in operation. The first cruise is D328 (Ellett Line).
13 March 2008
12 February 2008
- RRS Discovery is currently in refit in the UK. The onboard 'Live
pCO2' system is being serviced at this time and a new atmospheric
airline will be fitted. The system is scheduled to be reinstalled in
04 February 2008
- RV Plymouth Quest is currently having its 'Live pCO2' system reinstalled following its recent refit.
01 February 2008
- The beta version of CARBON-OPS near real-time web site goes live.
Tracking of sea surface and atmospheric pCO2, temperature, salinity and ancillary meteorological data from instruments installed on five UK research vessels is now possible directly from your desktop.
The web site provides access to near real-time data (i.e. received from the ship in the last 24 hours) and non-quality controlled delayed mode data.
The system is still in its preliminary stage and all the scientific data available from the web site at this stage must be considered with extreme caution. Some of the instrument calibrations have yet to be applied and some of the protocols need further testing. We are continuing to enhance our automated processing software to take care of these issues prior to our official launch scheduled for the 29 February 2008.
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