Cruises associated with GEOTRACES require high standards of data management. To meet these requirements, the cruise Principal Scientist is expected to submit pre-cruise and post-cruise metadata to the GEOTRACES International Data Assembly Centre (GDAC). This information will help the whole GEOTRACES community keep track of up-coming cruises.
Guide to cruise chief scientists
In order to guide cruise leaders who wish to develop a research programme to be designated as a GEOTRACES cruise or submit compliant data, we recommend the flowchart available for download in PDF form here.
Pre-cruise information
On approval of a GEOTRACES Cruise please complete the cruise form. This allows the cruise to be registered on the cruise program and on DOoR. Please include a list of station coordinates (or equivalent) to allow for addition to the interactive map.
To help GDAC manage sample data all cruises associated with GEOTRACES are required to keep detailed event logs and detailed CTD logs. Example logs are provided; event log, CTD log, underway sample log.
Post-cruise information
After the cruise, the Principal Scientist is required to submit the following to the GDAC
- Electronic or paper copies of all event and log sheets — within two weeks.
- Any updates to the information already provided in the cruise form and planned station coordinates.
- A cruise report (a guide to cruise report writing is available) — within six months.
- Processed CTD downcast profile data.
- Processed CTD data at bottle firing.
Data submission
When submitting data to GEOTRACES, scientists are invited to follow the guidelines provided here. Please contact the GEOTRACES Data Assembly Centre team if you require any help before submitting your data.