Arctic Ocean
The GEOTRACES Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) discussed and proposed these cruise tracks in June 2009 at the Arctic Planning Workshop held in Delmenhorst, Germany and in May 2012 at the Interdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Arctic Ocean workshop in Vancouver, Canada. More information about each cruise is available — please click on the map labels below. Yellow lines indicate completed cruises and black lines indicate International Polar Year cruises.

Cruise details
Section | Country | Cruise Dates (completed cruises/approved future cruises) | Information |
GN01 | US |
07-08-2015 — 10-10-2015 |
Details of the US GEOTRACES cruise, HLY1502 can be found in the Arctic Implementation Workshop report from May 2012. This cruise departed on 07 August and returned on 10 October 2015, both leaving and arriving at Dutch Harbour in the US. The onboard Chief Scientist was Dr David Kadko and the GEOTRACES Scientist Professor William Landing. For further details on parameters sampled and other relevant metadata please see the GEOTRACES post-cruise metadata form. |
GN02 | Canada | 10-07-2015 — 20-08-2015 |
This cruise (ArcticNet 1502) departed on 10 July 2015 from Quebec, Canada and returned on 20 August 2015 to Coppermine, Canada on CCGS Amundsen. Professor Roger Francois from the University of British Columbia, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences was the Chief Scientist onboard and Professor Philippe Tortell the GEOTRACES Scientist. For further details on parameters sampled and other relevant metadata please see the GN02 and GN03 report. |
GN03 | Canada | 05-09-2015 — 01-10-2015 |
This cruise (ArcticNet 1503) departed on 05 September 2015 from Sachs Harbor, Canada and returned on 01 October 2015 to Resolute Bay, Canada on CCGS Amundsen. The Chief Scientist was Professor Roger Francois and the GEOTRACES Scientist Professor Kristin Orians. Please contact these Scientists for further information. For more details on parameters sampled and other relevant metadata please see the GN02 and GN03 report. |
GN04 | Germany |
16-08-2015 — 15-10-2015 |
Details of the German PS94 (TransArc II) GEOTRACES cruise on the FS Polarstern can be found in the Arctic Implementation Workshop report from May 2012. This cruise departured from Tromsø, Norway on 16 August and returned to Bremerhaven, Germany on 15 October 2015. The Chief Scientist was Dr Ursula Schauer and the GEOTRACES Scientist Dr Michiel Rutgers van de Loeff. For further information on parameters collected and other relevant metadata please see the GEOTRACES post-cruise metadata form. |
GN05 | Germany |
18-07-2016 — 06-09-2016 |
The GN05 PS100 GRIFF (Greenland Icesheet/ocean Interaction and Fram Strait Fluxes) Arctic cruise departed from and returned to Tromsø, Norway in Summer 2016, and sampled in the Fram Strait, 79°N. Professor Torsten Kanzow was the Chief Scientist and Dr Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff, Dr Walter Geibert, Dr Martin Frank and Dr Micha Rijkenberg the dedicated GEOTRACES Scientists. If further information is required please consult the GEOTRACES post-cruise metadata form and parameters sampled list. |
GIPY11 | Germany | 29-07-2007 — 07-10-2007 |
The expedition ARK-XXII/2 was a central contribution to the International Polar Year. A large part of the programme was dedicated to GEOTRACES, enabling a systematic survey of trace metals in the Arctic. The GEOTRACES contact for this cruise is Dr Michiel Rutgers van de Loeff. The Chief Scientist was Dr Ursula Schauer. Details of this cruise can be found in the cruise report. Further information on metadata can be accessed via the GEOTRACES post-cruise metadata form. |
GIPY13 | Sweden | 15-08-2008 — 28-09-2008 |
The motivation for ISSS-08 was to alleviate the scarcity of observational data on transport and processing of water, sediment and carbon on the East Siberian Arctic Shelves (ESAS). The ESAS is composed of Laptev and the East Siberian and Russian part of the Chukchi Sea. It is the world’s largest continental shelf, and, at the same time, the most understudied part of the Arctic Ocean. GEOTRACES was only a minor project associated with this cruise. Please see the cruise report for more details and the GEOTRACES post-cruise metadata form for information regarding metadata. The Chief Scientist on this cruise was Professor Igor Semiletov and the GEOTRACES Scientist Dr Per Andersson. |
GIPY14 | Canada | 27-08-2009 — 13-09-2009 |
The Canadian IPY GEOTRACES sampling program took place from August 27, 2009 through September 13, 2009. It was part of Leg 3a of the 2009 CCGS Amundsen Expedition in the Arctic Ocean. Sampling was carried out at 10 stations chosen to highlight the relative influence of the Mackenzie River and the Pacific Ocean/Chukchi shelf, and to contrast ice-free and ice covered areas. Professor Roger Francois was both Chief Scientist and GEOTRACES Scientist. Please refer to the cruise report and the GEOTRACES post-cruise metadata form for further details. |
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