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Cruise details
Section | Country | Cruise Dates (completed cruises/ approved future cruises) | Information |
GPc01 |
Germany |
08-07-2009 — 28-08-2009 |
The INOPEX (Innovative North Pacific Experiment) SO202 cruise mobilised and departed on 07 July 2013 from Tomakomai, Japan and returned to Pusan, Korea on 29 August 2013. Dr Rainer Gersonde from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research was the Chief Scientist onboard the FS Sonne. This survey took place in the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. Please contact Dr Rainer Gersonde (Chief Scientist) or Professor Robert Anderson (GEOTRACES Scientist) for further information regarding this cruise or consult the cruise report. |
GPc02 |
Germany |
27-11-2009 — 27-01-2010 |
PS75 (ANTXXVI/2) set sail in November 2009 aboard the FS Polarstern and ended in January 2010. Dr Rainer Gersonde was the Chief Scientist on board and Dr Katharina Pahnke as the GEOTRACES Scientist. The focus of expedition ANTXXVI/2, which took FS Polarstern over a distance of 9757 nm for the first time across the entire polar South Pacific, was marine-geoscientific studies. This was complemented by bathymetric (HYDROSWEEP) and echo-sounding (PARASOUND) surveys along the majority of the cruise track. Dr Rainer Gersonde was the Chief Scientist on this cruise. Please see the cruise report for more details related to this cruise. |
GPc03 |
2011-10-01 — 2011-10-25 |
Cruise METZYME set sail from Honolulu, Hawai to Apia, Samoa, on abord, RV Kilo Moana, starting on October 01 and finnishing on October 25 2011. Dr Lamborg Carl was the Chief Scientist on board. For further information, please contact Dr Saito Mak as METZYME GEOTRACES Scientist for more information on this cruise. |
GPc04 |
Germany |
2012-11-19 — 2013-01-06 |
Cruise SO225 set sail from Suva, Fiji to Auckland, New Zealand, from November 19 2012 to January 06 2013, on board the FS Sonne. Dr Werner Reinhard was the Chief Scientist on board. For further information, please contact Dr Osborne Anne as SO225 GEOTRACES Scientist for more information on this cruise. |
GPc05 |
France |
2015-07-19 — 2015-08-23 |
Cruise CASSIOPEE set sail from Noumea, New Caledonia returning back to Noumea from July 19 2015 to August 23 2015 on board the RV L'Atalante. Dr Marin Frederic was the Chief Scientist on board. For further information, please contact Dr Pahnke Katharina as CASSIOPEE GEOTRACES Scientist for more information on this cruise. |
GAc01 |
US |
16-11-2007 — 13-12-2007 |
RV Knorr cruise KN192-5 (CoFeMUG) sailed on 14 November 2007 and returned on 13 December 2007. This cruise took place in the South Atlantic Ocean, specifically concentrating on the South Atlantic subtropical gyre and the Benguela Upwelling Zone. 27 stations were conducted throughout this region, collecting both water chemistry and biological samples. Dr Mak A Saito from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry was the Chief Scientist/ GEOTRACES Scientist onboard. For further information please consult the preliminary cruise report. |
GAc02 |
2014-05-31 — 2014-06-08 |
Cruise AE1410 set sail from Bridgetown, Barbados, on May 31 2014 to St. George's, Bermuda on June 08 2014 aboard the RV Atlantic Explorer. Dr Conte Maureen was the Chief Scientist on board. For further information, please contact Dr Hayes Christopher as AE1410 GEOTRACES Scientist for more information on this cruise. |
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