GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 (Version 2)

The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021 Version 2 (IDP2021v2) was released on 7 July 2023. The IDP2021 represents a major new data release. Compared to IDP2017, IDP2021 improves data coverage significantly in all ocean basins, especially in the Arctic, the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. Overall, the new data product contains more than twice the number of cruises, stations and actual data values. IDP2021 version 2 (IDP2021v2) includes additional data not available for version 1 and other amendments as detailed in the IDP2021v2 changes document

IDP2021 is open access, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Please, read the Fair Data Use Statement for GEOTRACES IDP2021v2IDP2021v2 Fair Data Use Satement before using IDP2021.

The original versions of the IDP2021 digital datasets can be accessed from the links below - please use the current version of the digital datasets for any current research.

The GEOTRACES IDP2021 consists of two parts:

  1. the digital datasets — available for download below or as a subset via the GEOTRACES webODV online service hosted by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI).
  2. the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas — is based on the digital data package and provides section plots (as illustrated below) and animated 3D scenes for many of the parameters. The 3D scenes provide geographical context, which is crucial for correctly assessing extent and origin of tracer plumes as well as for inferring processes acting on the tracers and shaping their distribution.

IDP2021 digital datasets (Version 2)

The IDP2021v2 digital datasets are made available to download in the BODC Published Data Library (PDL) by the GEOTRACES International Data Assembly Centre hosted by the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC). They are provided in 3 data formats: ASCII, NetCDF and ODV collections. The latter is for use with the Ocean Data View software.

If the data sets are used in a presentation or publication then we ask that you acknowledge the source.This should be of the form: GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product Group (2023). The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2021v2 (IDP2021v2). NERC EDS British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC. doi:10.5285/ff46f034-f47c-05f9-e053-6c86abc0dc7e .

Please help us to improve the Intermediate Data Product by sending us your feedback.

Should you need any other data format please contact the GEOTRACES IPO

Distribution of dissolved iron (Fe) along GEOTRACES sections in the Pacific Ocean (IDP2021). © 2021 Reiner Schlitzer, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany

Links to previous GEOTRACES IDP versions and historical TEI data