- About
- What is BODC
- 50th anniversary
BODC's 50th Anniversary
On Wednesday 8th May 2019 BODC celebrated its 50th Anniversary with an international meeting looking at the past, present and future - successes and challenges in managing marine data.

Colleagues from across the UK, Europe and the USA joined us in Liverpool for a fun and informative day of talks and discussions marking our special milestone. Many more of our friends and colleagues kindly contributed images and memories gathered from the past five decades, which helped us to celebrate the big day – one which we will all remember for many years to come.
We trace BODC’s origins back to 1969, the year that our forerunner, the British Oceanographic Data Service (BODS), was established. More information regarding our history and some of our highlights from the last 50 years can be found here.
Celebrating our special milestone
(Photos kindly provided by Charles Troupin, GHER, Université de Liège)
The agenda, together with presentations from the 50th celebration day, can be viewed here.
50 messages for the 50th Anniversary
People and partnerships have helped to shape the BODC we know today. In recognition of this we asked some of our long-standing colleagues and past members of the team to send anniversary messages to us ahead of our special milestone.
BODC memories
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words! Our Golden Anniversary was a good excuse to delve into the image archives...