Historical bottom pressure recorder data

Our bottom pressure recorder data holdings are illustrated as either collected in the open ocean (water depth greater than 200m) or the shelf seas (water depth less than 200m).
The inventory below provides access to the individual ASCII (BODC request format) data files, sorted by start date.
Click on
to download the data. Alternatively, two ‘zip’ compressed
files containing all data from either the open ocean (oceanbpr.zip)
or the shelf seas (shelfbpr.zip) are available.

Data documentation is provided as individual ASCII text files for each bottom pressure recorder from the table below.
to view the documentation. Alternatively, view
one file (bppr_document.pdf) containing information for all the bottom pressure recorder data.
Some of these data are also included within the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO)/Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) Pelagic Tidal Constants data set. The 'IAPSO' column below indicates their reference code.