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Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)

BODC have formed a partnership with PML to provide data management support for the laboratory's research activities
More about PML
PML is a Research Council Institute and a collaborative centre of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). It provides scientific research, contract services and advice for the marine environment, with a focus on gaining a better understanding of how marine ecosystems function, their sustainability and role within the Earth system.
PML conducts world-class national and international research from the uppermost reaches of estuaries to the open ocean. This is delivered through three core research themes
- Biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems
- Marine biogeochemistry
- Environment and human health
These themes rely heavily on cross-cutting research and development in key areas such as satellite remote sensing, ecosystem modelling, new technology and social and economic analyses.
PML is one of seven UK marine centres that are participating in the NERC Oceans 2025 programme. This is a strategic marine research programme which aims to improve understanding of ocean behaviour, response to climate change and subsequent impacts on society, through cross-disciplinary partnership research.
In addition, PML hosts a number of offices including the Western Channel Observatory (WCO) — which undertakes long-term (>100 years) sustained observations at a number of locations in the Western English Channel. The WCO aim is to draw together long-term measurements, ecosystem modelling studies, and satellite remote sensing, and integrate these to explain changes that are occuring in the marine component of the Earth System.
More information about science partnerships and the other offices hosted by PML is available via our other links area.