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Data inventories
At present the dataset inventories for the Western Channel Observatory (on-going) and the Benthic Survey (2008 - 2011) are provided below, if you would like access to these data or should you require information concerning other datasets from the PML data set inventory, please contact our Enquiries officer.
Western Channel Observatory Data Inventory |
L4 = L4 Hydrographic station (50.2500 N, 4.2167 W) E1 = E1 Hydrographic station (50.0333 N, 4.3667 W) |
Dataset Title | Current contact | Site |
Collection started |
Submitted to BODC |
Comments |
Meteorology - wind speed & direction, air temperature & pressure, PAR irradiance and sea surface hydrography - temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescence, turbidity, nitrate and CDOM (moorings) | James Fishwick | L4
E1 |
2008 |
2008 - 2014
2008 - 2014 |
RV Plymouth Quest surface underway measurements (navigation, temperature, salinity, fluorometer, dissolved oxygen and meteorology) | James Fishwick | L4 E1 |
2009 2009 |
2009 - 2014 2009 - 2014 |
RV Plymouth Quest surface pCO2 measurements | Vasilis Kitidis | L4 |
2005 |
2005 & |
Instrument not deployed since late 2009 |
Temperature, salinity, fluorescence, transmission, oxygen and downwelling PAR irradiance profiles (CTD) | James Fishwick | L4 E1 |
1988 1988 |
2014 received 2014 received |
Bio-optics - photosynthetic activity profiles (CTG FRRF) | James Fishwick | L4 E1 |
2003 2003 |
2003 - 2008 2003 - 2008 |
Instrument not deployed since late 2008 |
Bio-optics - absorbance and attenuance profiles (Wetlabs AC9+) | Victor Martinez-Vicente | L4 E1 |
2003 2003 |
2003 - 2013 2007 - 2013 |
2003 -2006 pending |
Bio-optics - optical backscatter profiles (Hobilabs BB6) | Victor Martinez-Vicente | L4 E1 |
2003 2003 |
2003 - 2013 2007 - 2013 |
2003 -2006 pending |
Bio-optics - volume scatter function profiles (Wetlabs ECO VSF) | Victor Martinez-Vicente | L4
E1 |
2003 |
2003 - 2007 & 2011 -2012 2011 -2012 |
2008 - 2010 pending 2003 - 2010 pending |
Temperature, salinity and nutrients - nitrate, phosphate, silicate | Tim Smyth | E1 |
1934 |
1934 - 1985 |
Nutrients - ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicate | Malcolm Woodward | L4 E1 |
2000 2002 |
2014 received 2014 received |
Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) absorbance spectra | Gavin Tilstone | L4 |
2002 |
2002 - 2008 |
2009 - 2013 pending |
Primary production from 14C uptake incubations | Gavin Tilstone | L4 | 2002 | 2002 - 2012 |
2013 - 2014 pending |
Phytoplankton absorbtion spectra (PABS) | Gavin Tilstone | L4 | 2002 | 2002 - 2013 pending | |
Suspended Particulate Material (SPM) | Peter Land | L4 |
2002 |
2002 - 2009 |
Suspended Particulate Material (SPM) | Denise Cummings | L4 | 2010 | None | 2010 - 2013 pending |
Organic carbon and nitrogen (CHN analysis) | Denise Cummings | L4 |
1988 |
1988 - 2014 |
Extracted chlorophyll-a (fluorometry) | Denise Cummings | L4 |
1988 |
1988 - 2014 |
Photosynthetic pigments (HPLC) | Ruth Airs | L4 E1 |
1999 2002 |
2014 pending | |
Photosynthetic pigment absorbance spectra (PABS) | Victor Martinez-Vicente | L4 E1 |
2007 2007 |
None None |
Pending Pending |
Phytoplankton community structure and abundance (AFC) | Glen Tarran | L4 |
2007 |
2014 received | |
Phyto- and microzooplankon taxonomy and abundance (light microscopy) | Claire Widdicombe | L4 |
1992 |
1992 - 2014 |
Request by email |
Zooplankton taxonomy and abundance (light microscopy) | Angus Atkinson | L4 |
1988 |
1988 - 2014 |
Request by email |
Calanus egg production | Angus Atkinson | L4 |
1988 |
2013 - 2014 pending |