
Sea level data formats

Ilfracombe on the North Devon coast. One of the UK Tide Gauge Network sites.
Ilfracombe on the North Devon coast. One of the UK Tide Gauge Network sites. ©

BODC hold and distribute sea level data from a variety of initiatives. These include data from the UK Tide Gauge Network — part of the National Tidal & Sea Level Facility (NTSLF); the European Sea Level Data (ESLD) portal; and the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) programme.

Data are made available in several standard formats as required by the applications. To find out more follow the links below

Bespoke sea level formats

  • National Tidal & Sea Level Facility (NTSLF) format — observed sea level, monthly extremes, monthly extreme surges and monthly means.
  • European Sea Level Data (ESLD) format
  • World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) netCDF format

Standardised BODC formats

  • BODC request (ASCII) format
  • BODC QXF (a netCDF) format
  • SeaDataNet Ocean Data View (ODV) format

Additionally, scanned images of historical tide gauge analogue charts and data ledgers are also made available as JPEG or TIFF formats.