
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

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be(CIPS/ICWB) SEA - an extensive multidisciplinary Belgian survey of the eastern half of Southern Bight of North Sea (1971-75)Click to show data set information
be13C/12C ratios in Mediterranean benthic food webs Click to show data set information
gr16S rRNA diversity in the surface and subsurface sediments of the MEDEA brine lake (eastern Mediterranean Sea) in relation to biomarker distribution Click to show data set information
ie2015 Atlantic Margin Oil and Gas Exploration Licensing Round Awards Click to show data set information
gb24.5N transatlantic hydrographic section A05, 2004-present Click to show data set information
pt2D models of tides, water quality and sediment transport Click to show data set information
ie2D Seismic Surveys Irish Offshore 1965-2015 Click to show data set information
gb36 North Project oceanographic data Click to show data set information
pt3D models of tides, water quality and sediment transport Click to show data set information
ie3D Seismic Surveys Irish Offshore 1982-2014 Click to show data set information

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