WOCE Global Data Version 3.0 DVD

WOCE was a major international project involved in making measurements and carrying out theoretical and numerical modelling studies of the deep oceans. The aim was to improve our understanding of how ocean circulation affects the Earth's climate. The project was part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).
The field phase of the project lasted from 1990 to 1998 and was followed by analysis, interpretation, modelling and synthesis activities. This phase of WOCE officially continued to the end of 2002.
This DVD is the complete WOCE data resource, containing more than 90% of all data collected for the WOCE programme. The data are supplied in netCDF.
Contents of the DVD
The DVD contains high quality oceanographic measurements made from a variety of platforms including ships, free-roaming instruments, moorings and satellites. The data cover most of the global ocean and the majority are from the period of 1990 to 1998. This was the intensive observation phase of WOCE. Some data are included before and after this period to provide a longer term context for the WOCE period. The data sets come with documentation that explains the collection and quality control procedures.
BODC's contribution
BODC acted as the ''Delayed-mode'' Sea Level Data Assembly Centre (DAC) and as the project data centre for UK WOCE.
The DAC had responsibility for assembling and quality controlling the comprehensive sea level data set for WOCE. This data set consists of high frequency (usually hourly) sea level data from approximately 160 coastal tide gauge sites and 50 deployments of deep sea bottom pressure recorders. Where possible, data collected prior to the WOCE period have also been included.
The UK WOCE project data centre assembled an integrated hydrographic and
chemical data set from all UK WOCE cruises, including XBT, CTD, acoustic
doppler current profiler, oxygen, nutrient and freon data. These data were
submitted to the WOCE International Hydrographic Project Office (IHPO) for
inclusion on the DVD.
Data sets contributed by BODC
- Delayed-mode sea level data set (coastal tide gauge sites, deep sea bottom pressure recorders and supporting documentation)
- IOC Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) Station Handbook
- UK WOCE hydrographic and ocean chemistry data set
Sea level data sets and products contributed by others
- Tidal harmonic constants, confidence limits and power spectra (contributed by the Laboratoire d'Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographic Spatiales (LEGOS), France)
- Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) monthly and annual means data set
BODC also provided data management and handling services to the UK WOCE community enabling the scientists to maximize the time available for research. BODC provide a guarantee that all of the data collected during the UK contribution to WOCE will be accessible and of value to scientists in the years (and decades) ahead. Additionally, BODC reformatted and transferred data to the international WOCE Data Assembly Centres (DAC).
How to order the WOCE Global Data Version 3.0 DVD
Find out how to order the DVD from the US National Oceanographic Data Center.
View the contents of the DVD.