Echo-Sounding Correction Tables

A digital version of the Echo-Sounding Correction Tables (3rd. Edition) is available to download. These were published by the UK Hydrographic Office in 1980 and are sometimes referred to as 'Carter's Tables'.
This software and accompanying data files are for use in the correction of echo-soundings for the variation of the speed of sound in sea water. The FORTRAN subroutines necessary to produce the corrections, together with the echo-sounding correction area definitions and correction tables are made available.
The tables are applicable for use throughout the world in water depths greater than 200 metres, and cover depth to the sea bed in each of 85 echo-sounding correction areas. The tables are expressed in metres and assume an echo-sounder velocity of 1500 m s-1.
Find out more about the Echo-Sounding Correction Tables (3rd. Edition) (61 KB)
Software download
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Download a digital version of the Echo-Sounding Correction Tables — the download consists of compressed zip file containing the FORTRAN subroutines necessary for calculating the corrections and the accompanying data files and documentation (72 KB).