- Submit data
- Submission guidelines
- Biological data
Biological data submission
BODC aims to ensure that all data incorporated into our database are adequately documented to allow long term viability and future access. Therefore, key data set information (metadata) are important for each data set we receive.
Information specific to biological data are described below. Metadata should be supplied in our metadata submission template, however we are able to accept metadata in any format. Please do not be discouraged from sending us data even if some of the information is unavailable. We fully understand that there are many reasons why the standards specified may not be completely achieved.
In the context of this guide, phytoplankton, zooplankton or bacteria sampling may be achieved using either a vertical, horizontal or oblique tow of a net, or from a rosette bottle system.
Instructions for general data submissions and other data types are also available.
A net tow log sheet
(107 KB),
(87 KB)
Data standard
Ideally, the data set should consist of a header and the data in one or more files. Each record should consist of date, time, navigation, measured parameters and computed values. If computed values are included, the equations used in the computations should be stated.
All relevant calibrations (laboratory and field) should be applied to the data. It should be checked for quality and pre-edited or flagged for erroneous values. Sample data collected for calibration purposes should also be provided.
Metadata specific to biological data
Collection details
- Ship and cruise identifier.
- Project (if applicable).
- Net tow (or bottle) identifier.
- Date/time of the start/end of each net tow.
- Position of the start/end of each net tow.
- Tow orientation (vertical, horizontal or oblique).
- Maximum and minimum depth of the net tow.
- Length and speed of tow.
- Volume of water filtered.
- Date, time and depth of bottle sample.
- Position of bottle sample.
- Method of position fixing (i.e. DGPS, GPS).
- Sample preservation (i.e. pickled or frozen).
- Water column depth. Include method — i.e. sounding and methodology, chart.
- Weather conditions — including sun and wind.
- Twilight time.
Equipment details
- Net type (i.e. Single or multi-net, net mouth size, net mesh size)
- Bottle sampling. Include — manufacturer, reference number, rosette position or firing sequence. Provide a literature reference, web site reference or briefly describe.
Analysis, experiments and data processing
- Laboratory procedures and instrumentation.
- Species counts or mass measurements.
- Description of any respiration, feeding or physiological experiments and results.
- Any sub-sampling.
- Quality control methods.
- Quality control report.