
Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas (GDA)

Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas CDROM
Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas CDROM ©

The information on this page relates to an update to the interface software package for the Centenary Edition of the GEBCO Digital Atlas (GDA) published in April 2003.

Version 2.12 released in May 2009 is designed to be used with all the GDA data sets as distributed as part of the GDA and made available via the web.

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Reported bug of 31 July 2012

A bug has been found in the GEBCO Digital Atlas Software Interface that affects the export of the GEBCO_08 Grid and GEBCO_08 SID grid. In some limited cases when the selected geographic region for export is defined as a fraction of a whole degree, then the exported data value at each grid point has been shifted (in longitude) by one grid cell, i.e. 30 arc-seconds, from its correct value.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to fix this bug. We will make a revised version of the software available as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we recommend that users of the GEBCO grid display software select geographic regions for export at whole degree intervals rather than as fractions of a degree.

Version 2.12

This release supersedes versions 2.0 and 1.0 and includes the following enhancements

  • view and access data from GEBCO's global gridded bathymetric data sets
  • download data in an ASCII form suitable for conversion to an ESRI raster file.
  • the software has been updated to work with read-only versions of the source data files. This has proved useful in some cases where the software is used over a network.

Download a compressed file containing version 2.12 of the GDA Software Interface and revised user guide and documentation files (2235 KB)

Running version 2.12

Version 2.12 of the GDA Software Interface includes the option to view and access data from the GEBCO 30 arc-second grid and/or the GEBCO One Minute Grid. To use this software with these data sets you will need to work within a directory on the hard disk of a PC, rather than directly from the GDA disc. You will need a PC running Microsoft Windows 95 or later and have at least the following amounts of free disk space

  • 1.9  GB to work with the GEBCO 30 arc-second grid only
  • 650 MB to work with the GEBCO One Minute Grid only
  • 2.4  GB to work with both gridded data sets

Full details of the software installation, the file configuration and how to run the software are provided in the GEBCO Version 2.12 guide Adobe PDF version of the overview of version 2.12 of the GDA Software Interface (42 KB). We strongly recommend that you read this information. If you encounter any problems please contact BODC and provide us with as much information as possible.

Previous releases of the GDA Software Interface

Previous releases of the GDA software interface include version 2.0 and version 1.0. To find your current version use from the 'Help — About' menu option from the GDA Software Interface main toolbar.

Version 2.0 — August 2006

Version 2.0 contained a range of new features including the ability to plot your own file(s) of data points in the map display area. The bugs reported in version 1.0 of the software were also fixed.

Find out more about version 2.0 of the GDA Software Interface.  Adobe PDF version of the overview of version 2.0 of the GDA Software Interface (146 KB) Microsoft Word version of the overview of version 2.0 of the GDA Software Interface (53 KB)

Version 1.0 — March 2003

Version 1.0 of the GDA software interface was released in April 2003 and is included on the GDA CDROM set. This release had the following reported bugs which are fixed in versions 2.12 and 2.0.

  • Links to web sites through the Help Menu were not enabled.
  • If your system was set up to use a comma as the decimal separator instead of a dot then an error was displayed on loading.
    '-180.0' is not a valid floating point value

Information about reported problems in the GEBCO Digital Atlas data sets can be found by visiting our errata section.